

My name is Nathan Ketsdever and I’m an academic who is passionate about transformative innovation, communication, and social entrepreneurship.


Welcome to the syllabus I have created for speech communication.  Its a work in progress, which was launched at the beginning of 2010.  Feel free to bookmark this resource, visit often, and to add interesting or constructive or interesting commentary/perspectives to the posts.

Fundamental Vexing Question:

Why does public speaking still look like it did in 2000?  Why hasn’t public speaking 101 changed in the last decade despite massive transformations in the ways we communicate as well as future trends that point toward even more massive fundamental shifts in cultural and communication trends?


  • Solve the communication, powerpoint, knowledge worker, and knowledge management issue.
  • Create a multi-disciplinary communications course with real practical life and business application.
  • Leverage web 2.0 tools to make networking and life long learning easier.
  • Class based more on the mentor or guide model than the banking model embodied by the sage on the stage.
  • Class driven 40 to 60% by student questions about communications.

You can see the initial sketch of the weekly schedule for Public Speaking 2.0 here. And you can check out the mission, purpose, and teaching philosophy the class embodies here.


As always, thanks for visiting.

If you are in education, training, or start up innovation please contact me via Facebook or Linked In.

Coming soon:

I hope to add more content and presentations.  If you have a suggestion for a resource, feel free to contact me via Facebook, email, or the comments section.

Also, I appreciate you subscribing and linking.

(thanks to frcsyk for the creative commons masthead image of lomo streaks)

One Response to “About”

  1. Kati Gordon (@cyborglibrarian) February 1, 2012 at 9:20 pm #


    Thanks for sharing this innovation course with us. I am curious if this course is taught face-to-face or online?


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